Sports Connections Foundation are happy to announce that we have become partners with newly formed football club, Caversham Town FC.
Caversham Town FC are a men’s senior team who will be looking into applying for the Thames Valley Football League for the beginning of the 2019/20 season. Based in Caversham, Reading, the Foxes were founded by James Richards in November 2018.
Whilst his plans for the football club were huge, he unfortunately stepped down as chairman at the beginning of December stating that the club was free for someone to take over. The club contacted some of their followers on both Facebook and Twitter and one of these, Sean Harding, agreed to take over the same day he was contacted.
With Sean now at the helm, and with Peter continuing his work on the social media side of things, the club announced their first partnership with Jackson van Uden who has designed the club’s home and away shirts along with their badge and the nickname ‘The Foxes’. Jackson is well known to us here at SCF, having come in over the summer to do some work experience with us before jet setting off to start his university course and making himself a valuable addition to our ever growing team in the process. Jackson’s been keeping in touch with us and, somehow, managing to organise his time well enough to not only concentrate on his assignments but to also offer his time to our Charity which has enabled us to start a partnership with Caversham Town!
The 10th of December then saw Caversham Town partner with us and as part of this it will see our logo on the sleeves of their kits for next season, which you can see below.

Here at the kits, designed by Jackson for the upcoming season which also shows our logo on the sleeves
Whilst Caversham Town’s history is not very long, having only been formed in November this year, it’s a fantastic opportunity to be partnering with the club whilst it is still in its infancy and we can’t wait to see the progress on and off the field for the team, come on you Foxes!
For more information and updates from Caversham Town FC you can follow them on;